Honey’s Coconut Cream Pie



My mother always cooked from scratch when I was growing up.  Package foods were just not something she ever invested in.  She cooked supper six nights a week even when she worked a full-time job.  On Sunday mornings before church, she would get up early and fix the family breakfast and prepare Sunday Dinner so it would be ready when we came in from church to eat.  She never ran through the drive-thru on the way home.  We always had a meat and vegetables from the garden or if the garden was done for the season, vegetables that she had canned for the winter. Mama never has been a big baker, she had her “specialty desserts” that she prepared on occasions such as family reunions, holidays and church dinners.  One dessert that I always remember her making was Coconut Cream Pie.  It is always delicious and I wanted to pass it on to you so you too can share it with your family and friends.  Easter is just a few days away and this is a perfect make a day ahead pie so you aren’t rushed on Easter Sunday.


You will need:

1/4 c corn starch

2/3 c sugar

2 1/2 c whole milk

3 eggs separated

1 t vanilla

1 c coconut (plus a tablespoon to put on top of the meringue)

1 pre-baked pie shell


In a heavy sauce pan over medium heat, mix together corn starch, sugar, milk, yokes from the eggs.  Stir until mixed well.  Keep an eye on the pan because as it warms up, it will thicken quickly, usually 5-8 minutes.  Once it is thickened, add in the coconut and vanilla, and remove from heat.

Let the filling set for 10 minutes before adding to your pre-baked pie shell


To make the meringue:


Add the egg whites to a glass bowl and use a mixer on high and create stiff peaks.  After peaks are created add the following with the mixer still going

3 T powdered sugar

1/4 t salt

1 t vanilla

Mix until it is smooth and glossy. 


Add meringue to top of pie filling carefully not to let the meringue touch the shell, this will keep your shell from getting soggy. Top with remaining coconut

Place in pre-heated 350 degree oven until golden brown on top, usually 5-7 minutes.

Let cool completely before storing in refrigerator in air tight container.






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